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Monday, May 13, 2013

Health Food

Food is a source of nutrients that supply energy to the body. Some of certain food groups, such as green leafy vegetables, giving plenty of iron and vitamin K. Want to meet the daily nutritional needs? Here are eight foods that have 5-10 healthy nutrients in them, as reported by Boldsky.

1. Goji Berries

This red fruit contains 18 kinds of amino acids and are rich in protein. Goji Berries also have twice the vitamin C content, when compared with oranges.

2. broccoli

Broccoli is rich in antioxidants that can cleanse the body. In addition, broccoli is also known as a good source of fiber for the body.

3. kiwi

You can get 94 percent of the daily requirement of vitamin C by eating just one kiwi. Kiwi contains many antioxidants that can rid the body of free radical particles.

4. pomegranate

This healthy fruit is very important for women. Why? Wantia likely to suffer from anemia due to menstruation and pregnancy. Well, pomegranate help the body produce more blood.

5. linseed

Linseed is known as a source of essential fatty acids omega-3. These foods contain good cholesterol for a healthy heart.

6. mushrooms

This wild vegetables formerly avoided because it is considered toxic. But now, we know that the mushroom is actually a source of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), which helps prevent cancer.

7. sweet potato

Sweet potatoes are a food source that is rich in magnesium. These foods also contain a lot of vitamin B6, D, and C.

8. Almond

Almonds are a rich source of good cholesterol and vitamin E. These nuts make skin and hair look more radiant.

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