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Friday, September 6, 2013


Derawan Islands : It is an archipelago located in the district of Berau , East Kalimantan,Indonesia . On the island there are a number of charming nautical tourism , one of which is in great demand Underwater Parks foreign tourists, especially divers world class .
                                                                                                                                                      Derawan Islands has three districts namely , Derawan Island , Maratua , the Big Dipper and the Big Dipper , Berau .
There are at least four well-known island in the archipelago , namely Maratua , Derawan , Charitable , and inhabited by endangered species Kakaban green and hawksbill turtles .
                                                                                                                                              Geographically , it is located on a peninsula north of Berau regency marine waters consisting of several islands of Long Island , Island Raburabu , Samama Island , Island Charitable , Kakaban , Nabuko Island , Pulau Derawan Island Maratua and coral reefs as well as some Muaras charred , scorched Pinaka , Buliulin charred , scorched Masimbung , and charred Tababinga .
                                                                                                                                                                Derawan Islands there are several small islands and coastal ecosystems is very important that coral reefs , seagrass beds and mangrove forest ( mangrove forests ) . In addition, many species that are protected in the Islands Derawan like green turtles , hawksbill turtles , whales , dolphins , clams , coconut crabs , mermaids , fish, barracuda and a few other species .
The islands of Derawan Islands

The islands are there in the Islands Derawan numbering about 31 islands and atolls and some charred .
The islands are scattered in three coastal districts , namely District Derawan, Maratua District and Sub - Dipper Big Dipper . Wide islands are :
Derawan Islands

Land use of the island by the local community was limited to the township . In addition , land in the island Derawan Islands is still in the form of mangrove forests , thickets , forests Maratua lime in the coconut and vegetation .
Coral reef in Derawan Islands are widespread on the entire island and sandbar that is in Derawan Islands . Scorched - footed existing in these islands include Long Island Sandbar , Sandbar Masimbung , Gosong Buliulin , Gosong Pinaka , and Burnt Burnt Tababinga Muaras .
Type of coral reef in Derawan Islands consist of fringing , barrier reefs and atolls . This atoll that has been formed into the island and formed into a salt water lake . " Manta Tow Survey 2003" shows an average cover of coral reefs in Long Island is 24.25 % to 34.88 for hard corals and reef life . Coral reef in Derawan Island has an average coral cover of hard corals 17.41 % and 27.78 % live coral cover . With the amount of 460 to 470 species show that has become a wealth of biodiversity . Interested to see Derawan Island and feel of the cool air this dikepulauan please come to Kalimantan Indonesia you can start the journey from the city of Samarinda .

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