Cimaja Beach : One of the beautiful beaches that are Cimaja village , Pelabuhanratu , Kotamadiya Sukabumi , jawabarat Province , Indonesia . This beach also has a very big waves suitable for surfing enthusiast tourist area is likely to turn into an international -class tourist destination with quality waves already global .
Cimaja Beach is its location close to Jakarta you can reach it by land use bus or rental car is approximately 3-4 hours drive . Ilham Santosa , business owners Cimaja surfing provider , said the popularity of beach Cimaja comparable to the beaches in the world . Cimaja Beach are often used for surfing competitions such as the Gold Coast Beaches in Autralia .
" Waves at the beach Cimaja big enough for surfing . Local tourists or foreign tourists who are looking for waves to surf in Indonesia it will come to the beach Cimaja , " Waves on the beach with the waves not less Cimaja Lakey Dompu shore .
Beach waves and beaches Cimaja large who deal directly with the Indian Ocean is only suitable for sports Husus or surfing enthusiast and be harmful to local wistawan bring children or family .
Popularity Cimaja Beach as a world-class surfing locations have been shown to often convening surfing competition held by foreign international level this beach .
" Every year there is always a surfing event , no less than five races . Usually they are often held here [ foreigners ] are always working with the local people of Jakarta .
When compared with Bali , Beach Cimaja less promoted by the government of Indonesia , Bali has tourist points are more numerous and have been promoted by its tourism potential well , so that the tourists have a lot more travel options .
Cimaja Beach only has large waves that are only suitable for surfing enthusiast can not be compared with Bali , but if you're a true surfing enthusiast and want to prove your surfing skills this is the place to test your guts PantaiCimaja please come to conquer big waves this beach .
Estimated the number of foreign tourists who come to the beach Cimaja about 500 people each year and for more local travelers choose Pelabuhan Ratu beach as a family tourist spot with beautiful white sand and friendly waves .
Interested to try surfing in the beach Cimaja please come to Indonesia you can start the journey from the city of Jakarta , Indonesia . From Jakarta you can rent a car , bus or taxi to the city of Jakarta you Pelabuhanratu of Pelabuhanratu to Cimaja only takes 30 minutes to the beach Cimaja so hopefully this info is useful .
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